
Most of the miracles and healings that happen through our ministry are never captured on video. Occasionally someone remembers to grab the video camera… for your encouragement and the glory of Jesus Christ!

Cerebral Palsy Healed… 7 yr old Anja.

Miracles all over Cambodia- Highlights from 2013 Mission Trip

Lady Gets Set Free from a Demon

10 Miracles in 1 Minute… through Children

Witch Doctor Gets Saved and the Blind See in Africa

Miracles in South Dakota

The Kingdom of God invades the Iowa State Fair 2014

India Invaded by the Kingdom of God-2016

Lady with one deaf ear is healed miraculously

Crushed by a Tractor- Up Walking and Riding a 4 Wheeler

Kidney Stone Miracle

A lame lady dances. Healed physically and emotionally.

Man healed of tooth and jaw pain

Chronic Leg/Hip Pain and Bone Spurs Healed. Original Testimony…

One month later…Confirmed by Doctors

Migraines Healed

Healed Ribs, Restored Voice, and Filled with the Holy Spirit